Tuesday, August 30, 2011

veggie of the month!!!!!


Eggplant is related to the tomato, pepper, and irish potato and is light for its size. It is often used as a substitute for the meat in the main coure. Eggplants come in all shapes and sizes, but all have a pear shape and a glossy purple skin! The eggplants name is thought to have originated in the 1500 from  a plant that produced a white egg shaped fruit. And there became a belief that eating eggplant would lead to maddness. There are two types of eggplant , purple and white. White eggplant has a tougher skin than purple. However they can both be prerpared the same way. When you go shopping you want to choose a firm, smooth-skinned eggplant that is quite heavy for its size. Try to avoid ones with  brown spots on them. Do not eat eggplant raw there is no law ,but the taste is terrible!! When preparing the eggplants skin should be washed thoughly. The eggplant is good for everything try cutting it in half and stuffing it with meat, fish or vegtables. You could try topping it with mushrooms, sour cream,  or even yogurt . Once cooked eggplant is very plyable and full of flavor and is great in souffles. Eggplants should be stored at room temp, until they start to srivel up.Then you can leave them in the fridge for up to four days!

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